Sunday, July 21, 2013

Nightmare (Week 5)

I had a nightmare. It was one of those nightmares where something was chasing me, but I was too afraid to look back. All I heard was its breath, getting closer and closer. I felt its shadow looming up behind me, but I was paralyzed. I understood that any second I could feel its icy fingers closing on my neck, yet I ran. The darkness seemed to come alive, surrounding me, choking me, and swallowing me. I was in a maze which was full of doors. Monsters lurked behind the doors. I had to open the doors and found my way out of the labyrinth. I couldn't tell why did I know it was a nightmare, but I just knew it. The pinprick light of stars was barely visible, yet the starlight couldn't comfort my hammering heart. Pale silver light poured into the maze like a rain of needles. I desperately wanted to freeze myself and stop running because I couldn't afford the speeding heart rate, the panting, and the need to breathe fresh air. Alarm rang. I woke to the chirps of birds and a soft gray light seeping through the blinds.

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